As I went through the photos of June I realized it's more of a tour of Moscow and the surrounding areas. So enjoy these photos of things we did this month!
5k RS Walk
The Relief Society in our ward decided to do a little "5K Fun Run" in June. Personally I think the words "fun" and "run" should never be used in the same sentence, luckily there were mostly mommies that came with strollers so there wasn't much running going on. We started at the church and walked the path that goes from Moscow to Pullman, it's a really pretty path full of those Palouse landscapes. The only downside was that it was a really cold and windy day - typical Spring weather in Moscow - but we made it, and I got to try out our new double stroller. And yes, I know I look super dorky in my striped hat and glasses.
There's a place in Moscow called The Arboretum. I didn't know what that word meant until we moved here, apparently it means "a plot of land on which many different trees or shrubs are grown for study or display" and that's exactly what this place is. It's on the University of Idaho campus and it's quite the pretty place. By now it had started to warm up a bit so we took a little walk one Sunday.
All these photos were taken with my phone, love my phone!
My favorite picture
Art Walk
From the last 5k Walk photo, you can see that Moscow is the "Heart of the Arts". Which means they really try to be artsy here and support local artists. One event during the year is the "Art Walk". All the stores on Main Street put local artists works in the their stores and have refreshments. Then all the locals can stroll down the street, pop in a store, see the art, eat a snack, then go on to the next store. There's also live music and some activities for kids. It was a nice evening out and we got see some stores that we never would have gone in otherwise.
Starting to show my baby bump!
Happy Birthday
In June I turned, uhmm, let me think...28. This year Mark decided to hide my present and made me search the house for it. It was kinda fun! I had to eventually ask for some hints, and with Bailey's help I found it. He surprised me with a CHI flat iron! I had hinted to him before that I wanted one, but I was still super impressed that he actually got one for me, especially since they are kinda pricey on a law school budget. I must say I love it and it makes such a difference styling my hair.
Later we had breakfast for dinner and then ate cake. Mark and Bailey made the cake, I call it "a cake like my mom's" because this is how all of our cakes looked growing up - simple, basic, cake in a glass dish with store bought frosting and sprinkles. If you know me, you know I like to spice my cakes up a bit, but sometimes simple is just nice, and tasty too.
The next day was my actual birthday and some of my friends got together and made me lunch at a park to celebrate with me. How nice! I love all the good friends we've made up here.
After dinner that night Mark, Bailey and I went to Jamm's for some frozen yogurt. All in all it was a pretty good birthday!
Father's Day
Shortly after my birthday it was Father's Day! Bailey and I surprised Mark with some treats, a nice tie, and a little picture frame Bailey made at the craft store. We sure love our dad, and we are so proud of him and all his hard work in school. We know he works hard for us!
Spring Valley
One Saturday in June some friends of ours, the Kirkhams, put together a little tin foil dinner night for a bunch of families up at Spring Valley Reservoir. This was something on our "Summer Fun" list so we went ahead and joined them. Mark, Bailey and I went on a little hike while the dinners were cooking, then we ate, had LOTS of marshmallows, and enjoyed the evening together with friends.
The Circus
The last big event in June was the "Jordan World Circus" in Colfax, WA with our friends the Puffpaffs. The name of the circus gives the impression that they're a big deal. Trust me, they're not. I've been to a big circus before so I had big expectations for this circus, but what I learned was you can't expect much from a small town. It was held outdoors at a small fairground, they had a few acts with animals: tigers, elephants, a bear, and dogs. Then they had some people entertainers: rope climbers, jugglers, dancers, hula hoop girls, and guys doing bike tricks. During intermission the audience could go down to the performing level and pay (an arm and a leg) to ride the elephants, feed the bear, ride ponies, and pet a snake. It was pretty entertaining and Bailey had a good time, especially when she got to see the elephants. She talked about it for days afterward, and still talks about going to the circus months later!
22 Weeks
Sometime in June I was 22 weeks along and felt like I was HUGE. Clearly I wasn't very huge - as I'm typing this while 36 weeks pregnant and actually HUGE. It's always fun to look back though and see what I looked like and remember feeling during that time. This was into my 2nd trimester so any sickness I felt before was gone, I had a lot of energy, and could move around with ease... Oh those were the days!
Like always, there's a ton more photos that I just don't know what to do with, plus all the Instragrams from my phone. So here's the June recap Instgram style.
monster strawberry from Costco, water guns, painting, horse museum, swings, preggie
accessorize when you can't fit into any other clothes, reading books, Gavin and Ethan doing Bailey's hair, forgiven, homemade popsicles, father's day
4th of July banner, music in the park, cookie class, dance class, cleaning helper, Arboretum
out to breakfast, hike, what she did with her shirt, olives, getting better using my CHI, 1st pool day
finally finished my 1st quilt, face painting, bubble machine, she loves apples, the grocery store swing, princesses before breakfast
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